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Do I Really Need To Make Confirmation Calls?

If you run a business that deals directly with clients or customers, you probably need to make confirmation calls.

Confirmation calls are simply a time management best practice. Everyone involved wants their time respected. Offices want to make sure their their schedules are booked with clients and clients want to make sure that they are in and out of appointments quickly and efficiently.

Let’s face it -- everyone is busy. Your clients have just as many things on their to-do list as you do. They forget things and have to shift things just like you do. What you don’t want is for them to forget you and your office or move you to the back burner.

You need to confirm their time with you.

When you call to remind a client about an appointment you are essentially offering a personal touch. You can remind them about the appointment and make sure there isn’t anything else that they need.

“Are we adding a deep conditioning treatment to your hair appointment tomorrow?”

“I know that you have that wedding next weekend. Are we doing something fun with your nails Tuesday?”

“Have you gotten your flu shot yet? The doctor wants to make sure everyone is prepared this winter.”

A huge part of customer service is respecting your client’s time. I can’t tell you how many service providers (hair salons, dentists, doctors, etc.) that I have switched because they didn’t treat my time like it was important. If I have a 30 minute appointment, I expect to spend 30 minutes with you. If a 2 hour appointment turns into 4 hours, understand that I will not be coming back.

There are so many choices out there. Give your clients that personal touch that they deserve. Make sure that your clients keep coming back to YOU!

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