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Hey there!


Welcome to my blog! Come in, fix a cup of something good and sit for a while. Let’s talk about some crafty things. Let’s work on some projects together. Let’s gab about glue.


I have always been a creative person. Paper and pen have been my best friends all of my life. Glue, scissors, journals, crayons, construction paper, etc. have always been in my tool chest. From an early age, you could more than likely find me cutting paper, gluing things together, building things and creating things. But what have I loved more than all the paste and markers in the world? Telling stories about the things that I had created.


I’m a natural born story teller. How do I know that? Because I’m a talker. I’ve always been a talker. My teachers would always say, “Shan is such a lovely girl, but she talks too much”. Well, that’s because I had stuff to say! When you have stuff to say you’ve got to say it! 


Ok, that may sound weird to some people. The reason that I said we should play with paper together is because not everyone has someone to create with. Because I have such a love of paper crafting, people have looked at me strange. My family is artsy so they didn’t look at me strange but many other people did and still do. I’ve gotten my fair share of ribbing because I’ve drooled over a paper collection or run out to purchase what some might call an expensive planner. Folks have gotten their homemade holiday cards and looked at me with the side eye. I didn’t care. I enjoy what I do so I am always going to keep doing it. I might make one less card (for that person) but I’m still going to make cards for the people that like them.


But, that confidence or don’t care attitude isn’t always there for everyone. Some people just don’t have family and friends that understand their love of all things paper. Some people get teased because they’d rather stay home and color in the latest adult coloring book. Well, my friends, you’ve found a place that’s for you. This blog is going to be the place where you can come to be yourself.


I plan on creating a space where people can not only hear (see) me ramble on about DIY projects but they can learn something new or heck, teach me something new! I want you to not only see me try my hand at new projects but I want you to comment and show us your new projects too. This is not a space for you to be afraid! This is a space for you to be free — free to be the crafty person you really are.

It’s okay if you just want to poke around for a little while before you get vocal. You can watch me try my hand at some fancy duct tape project or try to color and paint inside the lines. And you know what? It’s okay if you don’t want to get vocal. Just come here and enjoy yourself.


Because this is a place for you. It may be DIY Wright, but it’s also DIY Insert Your Last Name Here.



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