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Valentine's Day Card Kit - So Loved

Hey there!

Who loves a pre made kit? I do! I do!

If you scrapbook, you know how convenient a kit can be. If you don't scrapbook, you can purchase pre made kits that come with paper, cutouts, buttons, ribbons, stamps, flowers, gemstones, etc., all in the same pack. Everything is usually the same theme and the same color scheme. You don't have to think too much, you just have to open your kit and play. You see scrapbook kits a lot but it's only recently that I've begun seeing card making kits. So, when I saw this Valentine's card kit, I got excited.

I found this kit at my local scrapbook store ($9.99), So Loved by PhotoPlay and saw the cards that you could make with it. The kit boasts that it gives you step-by-step instructions to make 6 cards and you are supposed to have lots of extras. I was up for the challenge!

Inside the kit you get 6, 12 x 12 sheets of paper and a cutout sticker page. They are, of course, reds, pinks and blacks for your basic Valentine colors.

Your card instruction page gives you a list of the additional supplies that you need and directions for each of the cards.

The supplies are your basic paper crafting supplies but you could easily forgo some of them. For instance, I like my paper trimmer. I don't cut straight lines so my paper trimmer is my right arm. If you don't have a paper trimmer, a good pair of scissors works too. You have a ruler I know. I used a jelly roll white pen (you can find those at any big box store or craft store for a dollar or two). A hole punch is easy and I've mentioned Scor-Pal score tape before. That, you can order online or find it at your local scrapbook store.

I jumped in and cut out all of the elements for card 1. I must admit, it wasn't easy finding all of card one because it wasn't on one sheet. PhotoPlay maximized paper by putting like sizes together on a sheet. For a intermediate or advanced scrapper, no problem. For a beginner, slight problem.

I tried to use the instructions but they didn't read as easily as I thought that they should. So, I looked at the pictures on the front instead!

I successfully made six cards. Each card took about 10 - 12 minutes to make, mainly because you are cutting pages and sorting through other papers. All of the papers and stickers fit nicely with each other and while the instructions aren't crystal clear, the pictures show you exactly where everything should be.

And yes, you do end up with lots of leftovers. Because I'm the crafty girl that does too much, I decided to see if I could make bonus cards with the leftovers and what would be left over from the leftovers.

I was able to make 2 more cards (bonus card one and two) and still ended up with several sentiment pieces (leftover left overs). I could have used items from my own stash and I probably would have ended up with 4 bonus cards that looked better but I really wanted to stick with the kit and see how far I could take it.

All in all, I really enjoyed using this sticker kit. I've never noticed PhotoPlay's card kits before but I will certainly play with them again. The quality is great, the colors are beautiful and the cards were easy to make.

Like I said, I normally make my own cards but if you are looking for something quick and easy (and you are roaming your local craft or scrapbook store) I'd give a card kit a try. It's a very simple, relatively cheap buy into the paper crafting world!

(Disclaimer; I purchased this kit with my own money. I was not given anything for my honest review).

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