My Favorite Adhesives
Hey there!
As I was editing posts for the past month's crafting, I noticed that I kept switching the type of adhesive I was using. For folks that craft all the time, that might not be a problem. But, for the good people that are new to the DIY/crafting realm, a quick primer in adhesive might be warranted.
Disclaimer; these are MY favorite adhesives and what I use them for. They may not be the recommended usage and they may not be the preferred product but it's what I like and what works for me. I have not been paid to promote any products nor have I been given any products for free.
Just sayin'.
Let's not save the best for last. Let's put it out there first. My favorite adhesive of all time is the Scor-Pal brand Scor-Tape. It's a double sided tape that is sticky as all get out. As you pull it off the roll you can tear a piece and stick it in place wherever you want it. You don't have to use scissors to cut it. Then you pull the top paper off and stick your paper, ribbon, embellishment, almost anything to it. The down side (but upside) is -- once it's stuck, that's it! Your project is affixed!
When do you use Scor-Tape? Paper crafting is the best use for Scor-Tape. When I make cards, scrapbook or memory keeping books I use Scor-Tape. You get quite a bit on each roll (27 yards) and a little goes a long way.
I do use school glue (Elmers, etc.), but not very often. There are so many other types of glue that are used for specific types of crafts. I know that school glue is cheap as chips but one size doesn't fit all. When you are working with delicate papers or fabrics and ribbons or if you are trying to add feathers to wood, you want your adhesive to work properly. Instead of school glue one of my favorite brands of glue is Tombow.
Tombow Mono Aqua Liquid Glue and Tombow Mono Multi XL Liquid Glue -- I'll admit that I wasn't sold on these two items when I first started scrapbooking. Could I just use regular school glue? Well yes but these two glues are targeted for the embellishments that you use in scrapbooking and crafting. For instance, if you are adding gemstones or sequins to a page, you certainly want it to dry clear. With school glue, that could possibly happen. But, when you are creating a masterpiece, you want to make sure!
You also get 2 tips with both of these products. One end is a fine point and you can pin point your liquid adhesive to smaller locations. The larger end is for larger projects. To be honest though, I only use the fine point.
E6000 is my ride or die, stuck till the end glue. It's a permanent bonding adhesive -- like a goopy super glue that takes a while to dry BUT when it dries, that's it. I use this for my large projects -- permanently gluing things to glass or metal. I also use it on jewelry projects and when using beads. Many people say that it has a noxious smell and to use in a well ventilated area. I've never smelled it and I don't find it to be that strong. But, I do make sure to still use it in a well ventilated area, just in case.
My latest purchase has been the good old fashioned glue gun. I don't use it often because I find it a bit cumbersome. I seldom have projects where I need to keep a glue gun heated and use it for long periods of time. Normally I need to glue and go and for that I use other alternatives. BUT, for certain things, you want to have it on hand.
For one, glue guns aren't expensive and glue sticks are pretty cheap. I've used the Dollar Tree sticks and the more expensive specialty ones and both have worked well. I like the glue gun because once you heat the gun up you can glue and go. I use it on projects where I'm gluing plastic to plastic or something to glass. I use it on things that I want secure but if it falls apart, I won't cry. If I need something to last I better think about my E6000. If it's okay for just a season, hot glue it is.
Again, these are my loves and likes. I have crafty friends that swear by glue guns. Many of my paper crafting friends love tape runners (a tape gun with refillable tape strips) and I do not like using them at all. You have to try a couple of things and then use what works for you.
What do I suggest you use? Well what you use depends on your project so when I started out I began with Scor Tape, Tombow Mono Aqua Liquid Glue and E6000. Of course, use a 40% off coupon or catch them on sale and then play with them to your heart's content.
You'll find what you love in a hurry.