DIY Poison and Potion Bottles and Jars
Hey there!
Yes, I'm still decorating the house! I know that we are only two and a half weeks away from the big day but I keep adding to the already perfect decor to make it "perfect-er". I keep adding because there are so many fantastic projects out there and I love to see my home filled with things that I made by hand. Not everything looks great but it makes me feel pretty darn proud of myself to see the results of my handiness. This project is one that I knew that I needed to try and it is certainly a fun, easy one.
Poison and potion bottles and jars are so simple to make. They are cheap too. I picked up all of my bottles and jars from the dollar store. I only added glue, paint and mod podge, all things under a dollar. I picked up everything except the paint, from The Dollar Tree. The paint you can get for $.77 at Hobby Lobby. I have also used left over scraps and things that I found around the house to fill the jars. This entire project cost me about $10 and when the ghoulish holidays are over, I can reuse two of the containers while putting the other three away for next year.
I found my bottle labels on the internet. I pulled up Pinterest (what would we do without Pinterest?!), I printed out ones that I thought would be fun and adhered them to my bottles with matte mod podge. You could certainly create your oven labels with just a little bit of imagination. You could print them from the computer or use copy paper and markers. It is totally up to you.
Once you find or make labels that you like, you can decorate your bottles. I used black and gray paint for mine. I mixed a little paint and water and let it drip inside the bottle. I also took a sponge paint brush and brushed the outside of the bottle for an old weathered look. You can paint the entire bottle for a more opaque look if you want. Then you wouldn't have to worry about what was inside.
For the simplest bottle decoration I let glue drip on the outside of a bottle. I let it dry for a few hours and then added more glue and let that drip down. It looks like candle wax from the distance.
I let red and black drip on the inside of one of the bottles. That was the one that I added a "Blood Wine" label to.
After you paint the outside of the bottles, you put something inside the bottles. You can use ribbon or tissue paper. You can use yarn or garden stones. If the bottles have stoppers or corks, you can add liquid to match the name on the label. You can even leave the bottles empty if you want to.
That's really the beauty of this project. You can do whatever your imagination thinks of to make your bottles spooky and interesting.
Once the bottles have been decorated, they can be used for so many things. You can keep your scary Halloween floral arrangements in them or use them to hold your spooky pens or pencils. You can use potion bowls as candy dishes and poison jars as candle holders for plastic flickering tall candles (not the real ones with flames though). I am always finding uses for bottles and jars.
So, do you have any plans to try this DIY project out? I'd love to see what you come up with. If you want some ideas, take a look at my Pinterest board with Halloween seasonal goodies and if you make a potion jar, tag me on Instagram!