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October Daily 2017 - Flip Through

Hey there!

I have printed the pictures, written the journaling and packaged all of October up!

I really enjoy creating a monthly memory keeper. There is something peaceful and simple about tying everything in a nice bow and closing it out monthly. I don't always finish my memory keeping at the end of each month but certain months do get that special treatment. October is one of them. All of the tricks and treats need to be seen.

If you have been following along, you've watched me make the cover and insides. I had just as much fun making the cover as I did the pages!

This October was a little different for me. My kiddo turned 21 this year! She wanted to go to Vegas and she is such a great kid (young lady!) that Grammie, the aunts and I took her. She had a great time and we took a ton of pictures. Of course, Vegas will get its own binder but I did want to show off just a sneak peek of our Vegas trip.

While I was in Vegas a fantastic thing happened -- my blog turned one!! I was so excited about it. There were a lot of changes this year and (hint, hint) a lot of changes next year!!

I just captured the days as they happened. I tried to be very mindful and remember to take pictures. Sometimes I'd forget and I would have a day that didn't have any pictures. But, then you'd have a good day and have a lot of pictures.

Remember I said that you didn't have to just take a ton of pictures? Well, I dedicated a few pages to other things. This page is my favorite October movies. I don't get to watch them all but I certainly plan on it!

You can also write down what you are watching on TV and I have a weird weather obsession. I've only pasted 2 pictures of the temperature but I stuck the rest of my weather pictures in this little treat bag pocket. See, you don't have to take pictures of people.

And, don't think I have it all together peeps! I have a few blank pages that still need to be filled in. But, because I get to see what the other pages look like, I know that I'll get to finish it. It's motivation.

I did this Daily Binder over the month of October. I didn't rush and do everything in one day. Take your time, maybe a few minutes every other day, and you too can have a really nice October Daily. It doesn't have to be big and it doesn't have to have a lot of pages. Just print out those pictures, write a few words and add a sticker!

Did you make an October Daily? Did this help you with yours? If you didn't get to and really want to, well, November is here and it could do with a Daily!!

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