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Holiday Cards Round One!

Hey there!

I know it seems early but trust me, it's not. It's time to begin creating holiday cards.

I always say that it's early but folks, you know that you have to make the cards, then address the cards (after you find the addresses), then you have to go get stamps (once you realize that you only have two stamps in the house) and then remember to mail the cards. That right there can take 4 weeks!

I am starting with Christmas cards that I am putting together for my store. I had so many folks taking a peek during my small business Saturday grand opening and some nice folks purchasing cards, wine tags and mini calendars! So, that meant I got to spend my Sunday crafting to my heart's content!

Because I was making several cards that were the same (in sets of 5, 10 or 15) I began creating an assembly line. It's one of my favorite ways to get my cards ready for creating. One of the cards that I worked on this weekend was my gingerbread man card. I die cut a ton of gingerbread men (and women), clothes, sentiments, silver trays and card mattes.

I also precut all of the things for other cards. I normally spend an hour or so watching YouTube or Netflix and just cut out all of the things that I need. It's good for getting ahead of the game but it's also great for making sure that you have enough paper and embellishments for the things that you need for your crafts.

Once my assembly line is done I get to card making. Well, honestly, I go to bed and make cards the next day, but you know what I mean! I turn on more TV and get to gluing and know, the fun stuff.

Finishing a card set is so rewarding. I make sure each card is matched up with a envelope and then get them ready for giving.

When I'm giving several cards as a gift, I like to wrap them up in pretty tissue paper. There is something really nice about giving pretty packages. I'm not the best at wrapping things but tissue paper and ribbon are pretty darn easy. A little ribbon jazzes up almost anything!

So there you are! Tips on getting started with those holiday cards. I know that buying them is easier but isn't making them more fun?

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