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Holiday Gift Tags

Hey there!

In Thursday’s blog post we made Mrs. Claus’ purse . I mentioned that we would talk about things we could make to pop in our purse. First thing we’re gonna make? Holiday gift tags!

Holiday gift tags are a great way to use up your paper scraps. In the crafting world, we always have several projects going on so that means we always have paper left over. Gift tags can use up that paper!

We also always have ribbon, buttons, washi, gems, sequins, etc. leftover. If you are like me you have a whole bag of left over stuff from each project. Use those too! Gift tags are supposed to represent the gift that you are giving or the person that you are giving it to. Or, if you are using these gift tags as embellishments for other projects, they should represent the project itself.

In October I created an embellishment bucket. It’s just a bucket of things that you make to add to your projects. It make decorating my October crafts soooo easy. I decided that I’d do that same thing for December. These holiday gifts tags will go in that embellishment bucket.

I made a video showing you good people how I make my holiday gift tags. Take a look and then start crafting!!

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