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8 Days of Christmas 2017

Hey there!

We only have two weeks until Christmas!

What kind of DIY blogger would I be if I didn’t help all of you nice people with your holiday shopping. Well, not all of it. Your parents, kids and spouses are your responsibility. But, for the rest of the folks, let me see what I can do!

Last year I wrote an eight post series creatively called The 8 Days of Christmas. I offered some easy and fun gifts that you can give to coworkers, friends and neighbors. This year I want to do the same thing but I want to offer gifts for a wider range of people. I wanted to make sure that some pretty interesting gifts were available.

Most folks are just tickled pink that you thought of them at this time of year. My hope is that over the next 8 days you can pick a few of these gifts, tailor it to your friends and make them smile (and probably hug you a little too tightly). I stayed under $50 for my gifts but with each day, I’ll go over some ways to save a few dollars and some ways to amp up the gift.

If you’d like to see what we did last year, take a look below.

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