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Dollar Tree Heavy Duty Storage Bags - Paper Pad Storage

Hey there!

I love buying 12” X 12” paper pads. I get excited when I get a new paper pad. I begin cutting pages out and using bits and pieces for projects and then when the projects is finished, I have to figure out what to do with my half used paper pads and all of the loose pieces.

If you have several small pieces of paper, you can put them in a gallon sized storage bag according to color or theme but sometimes you have half of a sheet of paper or the cut aparts from a particular paper pad. What if you want to keep those pieces of paper with their paper pad? What do you do then?

Enter these handy, dandy Essentials brand Heavy Duty Storage Bags from the Dollar Tree.

Dollar Tree has several sizes of these Heavy Duty Storage Bags. You can get XXL which is a whooping 2 ft X 20”. The XL is 20.5” X 17”. The L is the perfect size for paper pads at 15” X 15”. The normal paper pad is slightly larger than 12” X 12”.

The box says that you can “store, organize, protect & transport ANYTHING, so conveniently. While I like having a heavy duty, waterproof container for my paper pads, I was really just looking for an easy way to store them.

I store my papers in crates and that means I can pull what I need out of the crate without disturbing other things in the crate. It also means if I want to collect all of my green 12” X 12” pieces of paper, I can do that.

Or, if I want all of my seasonal pages in one bag, I can do that.

Or, if I want all of word cut outs… you get the picture.

The bags come three in a box for a dollar. If you don’t have a dollar tree handy, well you can buy a two pack of them (6 bags total) for $8.06 on Amazon. Or you could go with a name brand 4 pack from Walmart or Target for about $6. Honestly, if you can’t get to Dollar Tree, the name brand pack is worth it to keep your paper pads neat.

What do you use to organize your used paper pads? Do you let them loose or use other containers? Let me know!

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