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Stuck On Stickers!

Hey there!

I didn’t plan on making a sticker run this weekend but that’s what ended up happening. I went into Hobby Lobby and Dollar Tree for other items and came out with stickers!

In Hobby Lobby there was a 50% off sale on The Paper Studio products. That in itself isn’t a big deal because at least once a month stickers are on sale. But, I knew that I was getting ready to create summer and travel layouts, cards and mini albums. I wanted to be prepared.

I picked up small packs of fruit, butterfly & bugs and travel stickers. I like the smaller sticker packs because you can use them on smaller cards or flipbooks. You can also use them in planners and journals.

I definitely needed more travel stickers because I’ve begun creating my London scrapbook layouts. I forgot that you add a lot of embellishments and items to layouts. And, you will see a sneaky peaky at my next travel jaunt. I wanted to pick up stickers for that city as well.

The Dollar Tree sticker game has been so good lately. Everytime I walk into a DT, I walk out with at least one set of stickers. And, by set, I mean that I purchase two of most of the stickers that I buy. It’s probably the hoarder in me but I find that I do use them so that’s not really hoarding.

I found some 3D bird stickers. I don’t normally go for birds but these spoke to me. I have been creating my own embellishments this year and these bird stickers remind me of the ones that I’ve been creating. The 3D glitter stickers of course, caught my eye. Dream, Life is Beautiful and Wanderful are sentiments that you can use on almost everything. I honestly should have gotten three or four packs of this sticker set.

And the DT wall decorations are just the best! I never use them for the wall though. These are great for journals, planners, mini albums, everything really. They are just like regular stickers, except bigger.

I know that I have a crazy amount of stickers in my sticker bin but these aren’t going in there. I plan on using these stickers this summer for projects that I have going on. I don’t want to keep making purchases. I want to begin using what I have.

So, keep your eyes peeled for projects that use up these goodies soon!

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