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Vacation Crafting School - Day One; Coloring Books

Hey there!

A few weeks ago I was in Dollar Tree in the craft section. A lady next to me was looking intently at everything but seemed very confused. She let me know that she was looking at crafts for her Vacation Bible School class and she was completely out of her element. We talked about the kid’s ages and what she wanted to accomplish. She picked up some basic items, thanked me and checked out.

Once she left the aisle, I started thinking about how much I enjoyed VBS each summer when I was younger. I know what the intent of VBS was, but I remember the crafts. Some of the basic things that we have in our craft areas/rooms where used.

Since I can’t go back to Vacation Bible School with snacks and crafts, I decided that I wanted to have a week of crafting at a kid friendly level. I call it my Vacation Crafting School.

My first day of VCS is a simple day. I wanted to ease into crafting. The first day of Vacation Bible School is about meeting the teacher and other students. An easy ice breaker is always coloring.

From previous posts you know that I have a good sized collection of adult coloring books. Some are inexpensive and some were a bit of a splurge. I decided for VCS we needed to go with more affordable coloring books. I mean the point would be to have one for each kiddo in VBS. You don’t want to pay too much for that.

I prefer to use my crayons with my coloring books. I have so many that I put them in these trays in rainbow order (I know that I’m extra!). I feel like crayons are easy to use, cheap as all get out and there are so many colors that you can find.

However, I must admit that it’s much easier to use coloring pencils in adult coloring books. They tend to have a lot of smaller lines and pockets that need color. I keep my coloring pencils in this cute bag. I do have some pricier Staedtler pencils but I always forget to use them.

I picked up these coloring books at Dollar Tree. You can find them at Walmart or Target for a few dollars more. If you plan on making copies (are you supposed to do that? I think it’s ok), you can splurge and head to Barnes and Noble or your local bookstore. Or, check out Amazon and see what they have.

For kiddos, it doesn’t matter which you use. It really does depend on the coloring spaces in your coloring book. And, you need a mix of both. I have a lot of books now and while I’m watching TV or YouTube videos, I just sit back and color to my heart’s content.

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